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The acronyms are explained in the terminology section.

I do not claim to have all boards.

The number of standard deviations from the mean is shown to illustrate the problems of using normal distributions techniques with skewed data.

Rank Names # Boards DECWER STD DEVs
1BETTY6222 / DTANERI5,937  2.484%-1.434
2PETERP551 / SUELANMA6,696  2.488%-1.428
3HEADLV / KWBRIDGE7,855  2.537%-1.347
4GARNI1 / MONY5556,185  2.604%-1.237
5SRIFKAH / TUDTRI5,186  2.834%-0.859
6KOTE / KPARTHA7,397  2.883%-0.778
7JODIVA / SANDFALL7,391  3.043%-0.515
8BROLIN / CECILIABID6,081  3.148%-0.342
9TRUMPMAVEN / WUBBE24,381  3.245%-0.183
10SHERLOCK51 / TENGAL474,841  3.546%0.312
11GJM72 / RLB19535,510  3.600%0.401
12PAWPAW29 / PEARTREE325,328  3.618%0.431
13BINNYBRIDG / BRUCESC4,841  3.927%0.939
14JADAMS755 / MCMISTY4,705  3.970%1.01
15JARTEX / TNTONY4,872  3.993%1.047
16PITHAGORUS / VIRGINIA835,183  4.076%1.184
17GLEN54 / GLEN_TEX5,179  4.122%1.26
18MPMBRIDGE / SMANSELL5,326  4.292%1.539