Spreadsheet Explanation

For many cases I provide a downloadable spreadsheet. This page provides details about the fields in those spreadsheets.

General abbreviations


Double Dummy

N, E, S, W

North, East, South, West respectively.


Played Hand

General column titles

Here are the explanations of some of the fields....


Opening lead.


Either Good - does not give up a card against double dummy (DD) or Bad.

N errs/S errs/W errs/E errs

The tricks on which this player (N=North, S=South, W=West, E=East) made a double dummy (DD) error. If the field is blank, there are no errors. Multiple errors are separated with colons ":". For example, "5:10" means a double dummy error at trick 5 and trick 10.

N nerrs/S nerrs/W nerrs/E nerrs

The number of double dummy (DD) errors by the player for that board.

Opps bid?

Set to 1 if the pair on lead made a bid. If set to 0, there was an uncontested auction.


Set to 0 (no double), 1 (double), 2 (redouble).

NS Slam/EW Slam

If the side can make a small slam, the declarer is followed by a lower case letter, for a grand slam an upper case letter. For example, "nDnhnnsDsh" means that North can take 13 tricks in diamonds, 12 tricks in hearts, 12 tricks in No Trump; South can take 13 tricks in diamonds and 12 tricks in hearts. This assumes double dummy play.


Double dummy analysis of all declarers/all contracts. Format is each suit - Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades, No Trump, for declarers North, East, South, West. For example:


North can take 12 tricks in clubs, 4 in diamonds, 4 in hearts, 12 in spades, 8 in no trumps. East can take 1 trick in clubs, 9 in diamonds etc. etc.


OB is an abbreivation for the Opening Bidder.

Not all fields are in all spreadsheets. Anonymized data has fewer fields.

Specific column titles

Different spreadsheets have different columns.

PH Value

I needed a way to tie together similar boards in different URLs.

In the main URL, every board is numbered with a unique monotonically increasing number. This is known as the "Ref #" (reference number). Other URLs will refer back to this as the "Played Hand Value" or "PH Value". The "PH Value" corresponds to the reference number in the main URL which lists all of the boards. This is data for one investigator who is working on new methods. At this time, the investigator has not published their methodology.

R Value

This should be ignored. This is data for one investigator who is working on new methods. At this time, the investigator has not published their methodology.